Privacy and Cookie Policies

Privacy Policy

This policy explains how deepNumbers systems AB use the personal data we collect from you when you use our service simTree.

What data do we collect?

When you are using simTree, we collect the data that is entered in the system. Depending on your employer's settings, this data may include:

This data can also include other data you or your employer enters into the system by use of the following functions: This is being done to provide the services we are contractually obliged to provide to our customers.
You can also opt-in for use of your local storage/cookies on your device. This is done to provide customization options, please review our Cookie Policy to learn more.

How do we collect your data?

The data we process is provided to us directly by you or your employer.

How will we use your data?

Your data is only used by us to provide your employer with necessary functions. This includes scheduling, notifications, report generation, and request handling.
Your data is never shared to a third-party by us, unless such is required by our contract with your employer.

How do we store your data?

deepNumbers systems AB stores your data using Google Cloud services. The servers storing your data are located within the EEA. deepNumbers systems AB will keep your data for the duration of our contract with your employer. After a contract is terminated, all related data is removed from our servers, unless otherwise agreed upon with your employer. Your employer may choose to remove your data manually from our systems before the contract is terminated.


You may sign up for our newsletter. This newsletter is hosted on Mailchimp. If you wish to unsubscribe, follow the Unsubscribe link in a newsletter.

What are your data protection rights?

Every user of deepNumber AB products or services are entitled to the following:

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email: info @

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on October 7th 2024.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about deepNumbers systems AB’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please contact us at: info @

How to contact the appropriate authorities

deepNumbers systems AB is a Swedish company. If you are dissatisfied with our handling of personal data, our privacy policy, or answers you have received from us as responses to questions regarding data protection, you may contact The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten).

Cookie and Local Storage Policy

This policy explains how deepNumbers Systems AB uses cookies and local storage when you use our service simTree.

What are cookies, and does simTree use them?

Cookies are small files containing information regarding the website/app usage, which are placed on the user's device. Cookies can be used to track when or how a website is used, e.g. log-in authentication information, or time spent on certain parts of the website.
simTree does not use cookies, this includes third-party cookies.

What is local storage, and does simTree use it?

Local storage is similar in use to cookies, but with a few differences. Local storage is client-side only, which means the information in your local storage is not sent to the server on each new request. The data in local storage does not have an expiration date. This means the user needs to remove local storage manually.
simTree uses local storage.

Why does simTree use local storage?

The use of local storage to store your preferences improves the performance of the simTree app, as it reduces the amount of data sent on each new request. simTree also uses local storage to save user preferences. Local storage allows us to save users' personal settings regarding the appearance and behavior of our software. This means your settings are saved even when you close the session.

How do I accept the use of local storage, and what data is stored?

The use of your device's local storage is necessary for the simTree main app to work optimally. Without the use of your local storage, it would not be possible to switch between pages or refresh the page without having to repeatedly enter your preferred settings. By using the simTree main app, you are agreeing to the use of your local storage for the following purposes:

By using the following functions in the simTree agent app website, you agree to simTree storing the corresponding data on the local storage of your computer: If you select the option to stay logged in on either the simTree main app or the simTree agent app, you agree to the use of your local storage for authentification purposes.

Can I opt out of local storage usage while using simTree?

In the agent app, you agree to the use of your device's local storage if you use any of the functions that require it. If you wish to opt out of using local storage, you can do so by not using the functions specified in this document.

How do I clear cookies/local storage saved to my device?

To clear cookies/local storage on your device, you can use your browser's built-in functions for clearing cookies or local storage. To do so, please refer to your specific browser's user manual or help section.
In the simTree app, you can use the built-in Clear cookies function to clear cookies/local storage:

How to use the built-in Clear cookies function to clear cookies/local storage on the simTree main app:

Open the User menu and click the option Clear cookies. This will clear cookies and local storage on your current device. If you cannot see the option Clear cookies, it means you have no simTree data stored in your local storage.

How to use the built-in Clear cookies function to clear cookies/local storage on the simTree agent app:

Log in to your account and open the User tab to find the settings. In the settings, click the Clear cookies button. This will clear your cookies and local storage. If you cannot see the option Clear cookies, it means you have no simTree data stored in your local storage.
Clearing cookies/local storage will remove all cookies and data currently in the local storage on your device, but it does not prevent future installation of cookies or use of local storage on your device by simTree or any other website.

I accepted the use of cookies/local storage in the agent app but have since changed my mind. How do I withdraw my consent?

You can withdraw your consent by clearing your cookies and local storage in your browser. The method for doing so differs between different browsers, please refer to your browser's user manual or help section. The next time you visit the agent app, you may choose not to utilize the functions that require cookies/local storage.